Saturday, October 22, 2011

In the beginning there was the blog...

     And thus it begins; my attempt to broadcast to the world my innermost thoughts, my introspective musings, and my take on the world.   As if there isn't enough of that going on already.  I had been debating with myself as to whether or not I would start a blog.  I used to keep one back in the MySpace days (it is still there, I think), but once Facebook took over, I simply let it go, seeing that no one was on MySpace anymore.  So why start another blog?  Simply because I want to.  As much as I might want people to read this and be entertained, informed, induced to correspond, or simply to be amazed by the grandeur of it all, the primary reason that I am blogging is because I want to do it for me.  I have tried keeping a handwritten journal, but I have never had much success with those.  I am on a computer a lot though and typing is easier than writing for me so it seems like a good fit. The next question (to myself in this decision process)  was  why the need to publish?  Why not just keep a digital journal? What is the fun in that?  Anyway I think the past couple of years I've been a bit closed off while dealing with this whole "40ish" thing so doing this publicly is a good step toward reaching out and embracing the world (well the virtual world, but no avatars).
    So here I am, a brand new blushing blogger.  I wonder what the stats are for blogs?  Does a blog usually go on for 1 month, 2 month, a year?  What is the life expectancy?  I suppose I and or we shall find out.  I make no promises, yet perhaps I should.  Perhaps I should commit to doing this for a set amount of time.  I will make it easy and commit to at least one blog post a week for the next 3 months, so that is 12 posts with a due date of 01/22/12.   This does not mean that i can write a bunch of posts on January 11th, or perpetuate this blog with lists ( I will try to limit the amount of my "Top 10" lists).
    Ok, so with all that out of the way I have the introduction almost finished.  The last subject I would like to touch on in this post is the title.  For those of you that may be unfamiliar with the line "there ain't no sanity clause" it comes from the Marx Brother's film "A Night at the Opera" in a brilliant scene between Groucho and Chico. Plus I feel like the title suits my humor.
    That is all for now.  For those of you who may think this is lame, well don't read it, move on and try to find happiness. To the ambivalent, I emphasize with you, because that is how I have felt about a lot of these types of endeavors int eh past.  Finally to those who are excited about my electronic transcript, well by all means let me know.


  1. Hi Chuck,

    Yay, you have a blog! I will keep on reading because I'm sure what you write will be entertaining and profound. :) Good luck with your 12 posts.
